Lea Genders Fitness

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5 Ways to Celebrate Global Running Day

Usually on #workoutwednesday I share a strength training workout, but today we are going to do something a little different. Did you know it is a global holiday today? It calls for celebration. 

It seems that nearly every day, it is declared a new social media made-up holiday. You know what I mean. National donut day. World margarita day. National sibling day. National wine day. The list goes on and on. These made-up holidays can be fun way to connect and share on social media, plus who doesn't love a good excuse to drink wine and eat donuts? (Not me. I'm a trainer. Sarcasm font needed here.)

Finally there is a made-up holiday that I can really get behind! June 1st is global running day. I say if you participated in national donut day because it was "a thing" you are now morally and socially obligated to participate in global running day! (ha) If you can use a made-up holiday as an excuse to indulge on donuts, then surely you can use one to motivate yourself to go for a run. Deal? Deal. 




1. Go for a run (D'uh.) 

The easiest way to celebrate global running day is to go for a run! Whether it is one mile or ten miles, get out there and hit the pavement. Nothing boosts your mood and clears your head like an outdoor run. 

2. Download a Race Bib

If you want to have a little fun with it go to http://globalrunningday.org/ to pledge your miles and download a running bib. Whether you wear the bib or not is up to you. Your neighbors may look at you funny, but I'm used to it, they look at me funny anyway. 


3. Share on Social Media

What's the point of a made-up holiday if you don't share it with all your friends on social media? Since it is virtually impossible to run a mile without telling everyone you know about it anyway, this is a perfect opportunity to let your Facebook friends know that you are cool and athletic. Use hashtag #globalrunningday and share a sweaty-selfie or a shoefie. While you are at it, search the #globalrunningday hashtag to connect to the millions of other runners celebrating this day.

4. Run for Charity

Run for your favorite charity on Charity Miles. Did you know you can raise money for your favorite charity by logging the miles you are running? It is a great way to give back and all you have to do is run (and download the app). You can do this any day, not just on Global Running Day. 

5. Motivate Friends

Global running day is the perfect opportunity to guilt..errr...I mean motivate your friends to go for a run with you. Once you tell them about global running day they surely won't want to miss out on this once a year opportunity. Who knows, you may end up recruiting the next run fanatic and change someone's life. Gather up your friends and family and make an event of it. 

What do you think? Will you join me in logging some miles on global running day? Let me know in the comments or on social media if you ran today to celebrate! In the meantime, I am still pushing for my own made-up holiday, National Hug a Blogger Day.

Coach Lea