Nine-Week Holiday Challenge Week Six: Eat More Vegetables!

Nine-Week Holiday Challenge Week Six: Eat More Vegetables!

It’s week six of the nine-week holiday healthy habits challenge. Our mission this week is to eight 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This post gives you tips on how to make vegetables taste delicious so you’ll want to eat more, and how to include more vegetables in your daily diet.

Nine-Week Holiday Challenge Week Two: Eat Protein at Each Meal and Snack

Nine-Week Holiday Challenge Week Two: Eat Protein at Each Meal and Snack

Welcome to week two of the nine-week gain fitness, not fat holiday challenge. Week is two is all about protein. The mission of this challenge is to end the year strong by cultivating healthy habits that pay dividends well into the new year. No heavy diet restrictions or extreme exercises in this challenge, just simple and sustainable healthy habits that you can work on all through the holidays. I hope you’ll join us.

Eat to Run: A Practical Guide to Pre and Post Running Nutrition for Optimal Performance

Eat to Run: A Practical Guide to Pre and Post Running Nutrition for Optimal Performance

Learn about pre and post run nutrition for runners to achieve optimal performance. What should I eat before, during and after my runs? Learn more about healthy carbs, fats and protein meal and snack ideas, and meal timing guidelines. If you eat to run, you never have to carb load again.