MARCH 2017


Welcome to the latest edition of Workout Wednesday! This week we are doing a 20 minute Tabata-style strength and cardio workout! I love the Tabata protocol, which is 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for four minutes, because you can always knock out a high intensity 4 minute workout for when you're busy or you combine several Tabatas together for a longer workout. 

This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on a link in the post and make a purchase, I make a small percentage of the sale with no additional cost to you. No one is getting rich, it just helps with the cost associated with running (pun intended) of this blog. 

This week we are combining a strength move and a cardio move for each four minute circuit. 

20 seconds strength move
10 seconds rest
20 seconds cardio move
10 seconds rest

Repeat for four minutes. Then rest for one minute before moving to the next circuit.

You can download a free Tabata timer app on your phone. I use a GymBoss timer because you manipulate the intervals and rest periods. 

Always spend 5-15 minutes warming up before an intense exercise session. Remember you get out of it what you get into it. Work hard and move quickly, while maintaining proper form, for the best results. Your heart should be pumping! 

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Coach Lea


52 Healthy Habits Week 6: Be a Good Student

Welcome to the latest edition of 52 healthy habits, when each week I attempt to tackle a new small lifestyle habit in order to improve in life one small way at a time. Sometimes I do well, sometimes I massively fail, but it's the trying that counts. 

I was down and out last week with the flu so I didn't do anything except rest and recover which is exactly what I am supposed to do when I am sick. Go me. Success. 

Honestly after sleeping late for a week due to the flu, it was a challenge to get up early again once I was feeling better. I shut the alarm off a few times during the week, but I did get up early on Saturday. Go figure. 

I haven't been doing great on morning pages either. It's weird. The more I feel like I have to get off my chest, the more thoughts that are swirling around in my head, the less I want to write it down. It's almost like I am scared to put in on paper in fear that someone else will read it. I prefer to keep my crazy locked up in my brain. But I think this is the point. Get it out. No one is going through my things. Either that I will write it then walk out in the back yard and set it on fire. hah.

I am back on track with my macro cycling. Obviously when I was sick, I wasn't tracking my food. I am weird, though. I never lose my appetite, even when I am sick. I think I ate more when I was sick just because I was home more often and bored. Hubby made me his famous grilled cheese that has a layer of cream cheese in between the cheese slices. Comfort food. Yum. 


Speaking of cream cheese sandwiches, I may have mentioned that I am studying Sports and Exercise Nutrition with Precision Nutrition. When I say studying I really mean I haven't done $hit with it since November. It's a great online program, that requires reading a chapter in the textbook, watching online videos, completing workbook questions, then taking an online chapter quiz. I was moving through it about one chapter a week before Thanksgiving then completely fell off the wagon. 

One of the reasons that nutrition study is so important to me is that shortly after becoming a trainer and a running coach I realized that physical training is nearly ineffective unless the nutritional component is in place. No matter what the clients goals are, whether fat loss, sports or running performance, I can't effectively help someone unless I can also help them with nutrition.

Now I know nutrition in the sense that I know what works for me. That's not enough. Everybody is different and can respond differently. The least effective coaches in my opinion are the ones that say 'it worked for me, do what I do.' Anyone can tell people to eat whole natural foods. That doesn't qualify a person to coach nutrition. So I wanted to dig in learn more about nutritional science. I can tell my clients they need protein to build muscle or carbohydrates for sports performance, but I needed a deeper understanding of the science. Enter Precision Nutrition, one of the most respected online nutrition study programs. 

When I finish this program I can call myself a nutrition coach and frankly, I can call myself a nutrition coach today. There are not any state or legal requirements around this title. The certification is for my own knowledge so that I can offer the best science-based coaching possible. Nutritionist and nutrition coach are different than Registered Dietitian (RD) which requires licensing from the state. The difference is that as a nutrition coach, I am permitted to coach people on the basics of nutrition. I am not permitted to tell people exactly what to eat or attempt to treat any condition with food (including obesity). In other words, It is outside of my scope of practice to write meal plans to help you lose weight, but I am permitted help educate you on macro nutrients, micro nutrients, daily calorie intake, portion sizes, food choices, food quality, nutritional labels, food shopping and whatever science you care to know.

I want to finish this program so I can more effectively coach my clients using nutrition as the base for most fitness and health related goals. Yes, exercise is important, but nutrition is crucial. Get your nutrition on track first, then build on that with strength and cardiovascular training. 


So what's the problem? I simply have not been putting in the work. So I decided it was time to take my own advice. I am always telling clients and readers to find an accountability partner in order to reach their goals. We often feel more accountable to other people than we do ourselves. I joined a Facebook group of Precision Nutrition students and found an accountability partner. We were in about the same place in our studies, so we decided we would talk once a week to hold each other accountable. We had our first call this week and talked about what we planned to complete within the week. I am going to get through two chapters by next Monday when we have a phone date to speak again. I know there is no way I am going to let myself fall short of this goal. I am sure she is going to do what she promised, so I need to hold up my end of the bargain.

This is a brilliant strategy for getting things done. This person is a total stranger to me that has a similar goal. You can find your own accountability partner to reach your goals. It can be a family member, a friend or a facebook buddy. Just having someone to check it with each week who will give you $hit if you don't do what you said can be the difference between success and failure. I love when I take my own advice. I am excited about my new study buddy and I already cracked open the book and am deep in the latest chapter.

I'll say that I am marketing gal so science is hard for me but I know I am smart and with some dedication, consistency and accountability, I can achieve any goal. AND SO CAN YOU.

What are your goals for the week? Let me know in the comments, then check back in a week and tell me how you did. That's accountability.

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Do You and Fitness Have a Commitment Problem?

Now that the lovey dovey Valentine's Day talk is over, let's talk about an important topic: Commitment. Are you committed? Often we fall in love with the idea of working out, get excited, make big plans and then fail to follow through. Once the excitement wears off and reality of the hard work sets in we give up and move on. Just like a love that loses it sizzle, we get bored and start looking for the next thing. How can we stay committed when we want a lasting relationship with fitness?

I'm not going to pretend that I am always motivated. I'm just like you. I have a job, a small business, home responsibilities, a blog (or two) and a social life (just kidding about that last one). I sometimes feel tired, skip workouts or tell myself "I'll get back on track tomorrow." It happens, even to trainers, but I do make movement and nutrition a priority in my life. That means that even if I don't get in a traditional workout, I make sure I am still moving and feeding myself properly to ensure I look, feel and perform my best. I hold myself to high standards but I don't allow negative self-talk if I fall short. I do the best I can with what I have.

There are some strategies you can put in place to ensure you stick to your fitness goals long after the honeymoon is over, for a lifelong commitment to health and fitness. 



Put it on your calendar, just like you would for a doctor's appointment or a dinner date. I find that if I schedule my workout for first thing in the morning it is less likely to get brushed off. I like getting my workout or a long walk done before life gets in the way. 


Fitness doesn't have to be 3 sets of 12 reps on each major muscle three times a week. If that sounds boring, do something else. Find a way to move your body that is fun for you and commit to it. Dancing, running, climbing and playing all count. You probably wouldn't continue to date someone who bored you to tears, would you? Find an exercise that you love to make it last. 


Having a workout partner can go a long way in staying committed to our goals. The truth is we often feel more accountable to other people than we do ourselves. If we know someone is counting on us to show up we don't want to let them down. If you don't have a friend or partner that is into fitness don't give up hope. Look for community events on MeetUp, join a local class, hire a coach or look for accountability partners online. 


Start small and build the habit first. 15 minutes a day of exercise is always better than an hour you didn't do. Commit to just 15 minutes a day. Do it until it becomes routine. You have the rest of your life to grow, it is ok to start small. Besides, more is not always better in exercise. Short focused sessions can be sustainable over a lifetime. Take it slow, get to know what works best for you.


If you are working towards a goal, say your first 5k or half marathon PR, it gives you the reason to keep putting in the work every day, long after the excitement of a new workout plan has worn off.

If we want our love of fitness to last a lifetime we have to implement sustainable strategies and work hard to make it last, just like any good relationship.

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Here it is Workout wednesday and I have the flu. I am resting, hydrating and surviving on Tamiflu. I don't believe in pushing through workouts when I'm sick or feeling under the weather. I need to rest to allow my body to recover. Any available energy should be used to fight off infection and recover. I'm not worried about working out or even getting my daily 10k steps. I will get back to it as soon as I feel healthy again, but for now, I am down and out. (Let the internet sympathy ensue.)

This week for Workout Wednesday you won't see me in any workout pictures (you're welcome). Instead, I am giving away this fun fitness dice* that I found at Five Below and sharing a dice workout you can do at home even if you don't win the giveaway! NOTE: GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED


I think it is a really fun way to get in a quick workout when you want to shake up your regular routine. Set the timer for 20 minutes and start rolling. I use these in bootcamp to break up the circuits and they are always fun! 


Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter to win. Complete at least one entry to enter to win, complete multiple entries for more chances. 

Open to US residents 18 years old and up
Must have a shipping address in the United States
Giveaway runs from March 1 and ends Match 8 2017
One winner will receive the prize of one (1) foam fitness die
Lea Genders Fitness paid for prize and will pay for USPS shipping to winner
Prize will be shipped within 7 days of winner confirmation of shipping address
Winner must claim prize and respond with shipping address within 48 business hours of announcement or alternate winner will be selected
Winner will be emailed directly and announced on this post
Winner must enter on Rafflecopter and follow all rules
All entries will be verified as completed. Any entry not completed will disqualify winner and new winner will be drawn
Void where prohibited
Good Luck


There is just one winner and not everyone will be able to win this prize today, or you might have found this post after the giveaway is over, but you can still do the workout! You could go to Five Below in your area and look for the foam fitness dice or you can use regular dice and assign each number to an exercise. Use one red die, one black die and follow the chart below. Alternate between the black die for strength exercises and the red die for cardio. Set the timer for 20 minutes and let's roll! Spend 5-15 minutes warming up before beginning.

Pin this to your favorite workout board to save for later!

Pin this to your favorite workout board to save for later!

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Coach Lea